However, in bed that night as Barbara and Jamie have sex Jamie is confused both by the fact that he now seems to have a bubble butt despite losing weight and his manhood seems to be shorter than usual. One night Jamie brings his girlfriend Barbara over and she and Scott meet for the first time. Jamie invites Scott to join him at the gym to bulk up more but while Scott seems to be gaining muscles very quickly Jamie is losing weight yet seems not to be gaining muscle mass. Over the course of the next two weeks Jamie and Scott get to know each other and become fast friends but at the same time Jamie seems to be thinning out much faster than should be possible and Scott seems to be getting a bit bulkier. Scott also notices his arms are more muscular than usual thinking all the lifting from the move bulked him up a bit. The morning after moving in Jamie examines himself in the mirror and finds all his facial hair is gone despite him not having shaved the night before. The pair agree to keep the statue but put the photo away. A picture of a couple that seems to show a hot blonde girl and a tall red head bodybuilder kissing, and a strange blue fox statue. As they move into their new apartment, they find only two things they assume were left behind by the previous owners. The pair meet for the first time and hit it off as friends as they have a lot of interests in common. Jamie Cummings a muscular and tall recent college graduate now working in finance and Scott Mcarthy a scrawny and short graduate student studying computer science. January 2012 two guys move into a shared apartment they both found online. Plot Day 1-50 - Moving In and Swapping Out Day 102-150 - Face the Past and Hope for the Future (pages 207-268).Day 84-100 - A New Job Plus New Equipment (pages 107-206).Day 51-78 - Faced with a Feminine Future (pages 37-70).Day 1-50 - Moving In and Swapping Out (pages 1-36).NOTE: The chapter/part titles and groupings are not official, and are made for the purposes of this wiki for easier navigation of the story.