Lexy’s: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition is a modding guide by DarkladyLexy for Skyrim SE. What do you name mods? Which mods do you merge and not merge in MO2? Some people also prefer text to video and these guides provide a lot of text!

That will definitely get you going but might not help much with figuring out the whole picture. The basic, and not-so-basic, uses of MO2 are covered above with the video tutorials above. Clicking the images below will take you to videos on how to use FNIS, Dual Sheath Redux, and xLODGEN with MO2. Outdated TV is the author of the TUCOGUIDE (see below) and produces tutorial videos on some of the more in-depth uses of MO2. Note that these videos were created based on v2.1.1 and there may be some differences here and there. This goes over most of the features that users will need to know.

GamerPoets has made a tutorial video series that you can watch by clicking the image below. It is strongly recommended to do a little bit of research before jumping feet first into modding. There are some hidden features that affect how you mod your games. Several things about the tool may be unintuitive. Starting out with MO2 can be a bit intimidating. The installer can still be used to create a portable installation of MO2. The installer version is usually preferred for ease of installation. MO2 can be downloaded from GitHub or Nexus Mods. It is now actively maintained by a team of developers, from all backgrounds, and is now able to do much more than Tannin ever envisioned. Thank you.MO2 was initially started by Tannin, the creator of the original Mod Organizer, to take care of 64-bit games such as Fallout 4. We may also include links to affiliate stores, which gives us a small commission if you purchase anything via them. Keep updated on the latest PC Gaming news by following GameWatcher on Twitter, checking out our videos on YouTube, and giving us a like on Facebook. Non-essential Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord Mods

Although progression is not persistent and resets once you leave matches, its two tracks make unlocking new options feel natural. As you fight, you get access to better classes and equipment. Focused on co-op, Full Invasion 3 sees several players joining forces and battling hordes of enemies while attempting to defend several capture points.