If you understand the program/version, please publish the adhering to fingerprint at:SF-Pórt80-TCP:V=4.01%I=7%D=6/10%Time=448AFE26%P=i686-pc-linux-gnu%r(GetReqSF:uest,8A,'HTTP/1.0x20401x20UnauthorizedrnServer:a20IPSHARERx20WESF:Bx201.0rnAll it shows us is usually that your personal computer is certainly i686-pc-linux-gnu, but shows us nothing at all of the router. The router can be quite cheap at $39 (i got it for $29 on Black Friday), but at that price, most customers would choose for various other, fully backed, routers.Little /src $ nmap -g 80 -AStarting Nmap 4.01 ( ) at 19:15 CESTInteresting ports on STATE SERVICE VERSION80/tcp open up http?1 support unrecognized despite coming back data. I'd really enjoy to get OpenWrt on it, possibly for a long term edition of my. I'll dig up some Utmost233's and find what it says.Photos and more information accessible on my internet site.I really like this device: it's small and utilizes just 3.3v.

Pin 11 seems to have got some plusing result by the piezo buzzer test. I'll test it for seriaI, but for right now is classified as 'unidentified'. There doesn't show up to end up being JTAG, but there is usually a solderpad area.